You guys. I’m sort of addicted to Salt Wash.
It’s so easy to use and gets a chippy, vintage look so quickly!
First, you mix the Salt Wash powder with your favorite paint (I use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, of course!) in the following ratios. If it’s too clumpy, add a touch of water. If it’s too watery, add more powder. The consistency you’re trying to achieve is a thick icing.
Then you literally gloop it on. Yes, gloop. The goal is to get you base coat to be an uneven texture on the surface of your piece. This is so that when you sand the top coat down, the base coat colors peek through, creating a “I’ve been painted a million times” look.
The more clumpy, the better. I always look for intricate details for these types of pieces. The more nooks and crannies, the better for the paint to stick and create texture.
Once it dries, you’ll see all the peaks and valleys in the dried Salt Wash layer. As you can see here, I used ASCP Charcoal Gray as my base color. We live in a pretty dry climate, so the paint dries quickly. If you’re in a humid area, I suggest thinning the Salt Wash/paint mixture down so that it’s not so thick. Then apply a few layers. That’ll help with drying time.
Then you apply your top coat color. Here, I used Annie Sloan’s Pure White. While the top coat isn’t totally dry, you start sanding. That’s my technique on this piece, anyway. I wanted to reveal the charcoal under the white, so I started knocking down the Salt Wash peaks with my hand sander.
Isn’t she pretty?

This pic is totally blown out, but it’s the best I’ve got for now! I placed the mirror over the new vanity that I made and painted from a vintage dresser. I think it’s a perfect fit for the bathroom and particularly love the pedestal sink and new faucet.