our annual egg hunt isn’t as much of a hunt as it is a gather.
the eggs are laid out on the grass in plain view, so the competition is stiff!
this was the first year that li’l G actually demonstrated some interest in the egg hunt, particularly because he found 3 golf balls.

before the big event
the flowers were so pretty today. and why shouldn’t they be on a gorgeous sunny so cal day in the 70s.
i always try to snap a few pix of the boys together…to no avail. Big A always wants to ‘i see’ immediately after i snap a pic.
the kids all run to their designated age areas….and if you’re not paying attention, perhaps because you’re lollygagging at the donut table a bit too long, you’ll miss the whole thing. seriously, this event is over within 30 seconds.
here, you see the kids scrambling to their locations. the pix i snapped of kids face planting were intentionally left on the cutting room floor.
today, the amped up, over-sugared 4 & 5 year olds in the gold section over-ran the gals in charge…the emcee hadn’t yet gotten to ‘on your marks’ when the kids charged!!!
yes, innocent looking kids literally ran over the two grown women who were trying to hold the line.
i overheard someone say “the only goal of today’s event is no crying kids!” ha!
our kids sure had a blast. i particularly love this pic because li’l G (our older son), has only recently started liking bounce houses. check him out catching big air!
Big A is afraid of nothing, including getting trampled in the bounce house intended for 8+ year olds.
after the big gather, li’l G wanted a sprinkle donut, so i shoved a lonely orange sprinkle in this sugar donut. problem :: solution.
apparently that one sprinkle didn’t suffice. so to my dismay, he did this…
and then we paid the price with hyper little monkeys the rest of the day.
each boy got an Easter basket with a hot wheel, some candy, and bubbles. just trying to keep it simple and trying to keep the focus on the true meaning of Easter.
the landscape is done by Roger’s Gardens in Newport Beach. the garden offers such wonderful colors and perfect selections each season!
and this Easter photo tradition is for my good friend Lorrie who blogs at meetbabybear.com
this was the first year that bunny wasn’t wearing a lamé lapel. such a disappointment to see a pastel blue get-up this year. 🙂
have a great Easter everyone!