we’ve got rogue tomato plants all over the garden. take exhibit A. i didn’t plant this one and look how amazing it is!
i’m sort of insulted, to be honest, b/c the tomato plants that i staked, trim regularly, and talk to, are basically ignoring me.

i didn’t plant this one. it’s just going nuts!
but these rogue plants which my friend never picked up from me…ahem, you know who you are….are going off and producing more fruit than any neighborhood can handle!
and check out the strawberries….even they want to shake hands with the rogue tomato plants.
and i promise that i didn’t plant this cucumber plant. it just started growing and is now climbing the trellis quite nicely. look at this cucumber! we had quite a delicious snack, slicing this puppy and adding rice vinegar and some freshly ground pepper.
i’m absolutely amazed at how God’s work is so perfect. look at this tendril clutching on so tightly to the trellis. i love it.
the pathway in the garden is nearly completely blocked…but it’s ok.
go ahead strawberries, you can touch the tomatoes.