i love spring.
the flowers are blooming, and you find cool stuff in the garden you’ve never seen before!
like this one here…i’ve no clue what it is, but it appeared in my raised bed…so i transplanted it. it’s cool!

what kind of plant is this?
in so cal, we don’t have to remove the bulbs each year…they just stay there and come back year after year. what a treat! these smell amazing! too bad they don’t last too long.

white hyacinths smell so good in the spring!
this little potato vine is adorable. the tiny white flowers make me so happy.
and check out the biggest surprise….our costco tree actually has a zillion teeny tiny peaches budding! YUM!

tiny tiny peaches from our costco tree!
my all time favorite though, is still our purple leafed cherry tree. the tiny pink blossoms each spring are rad…and i’ll never forget staring out the window one Christmas morning as our cherry tree was just a bunch of sticks with no leaves. it was pouring rain and the branches were flapping in the wind. and i was praying for God to answer our prayers and help us get pregnant.
it was that morning i found out that i was pregnant with lil G! 🙂

cherry blossom in spring! this is the prettiest tree i’ve ever seen. year after year it still delights me each spring.