my hubby’s a golfer. when lil G was an infant, husband played in the Golf Channel Amateur Tour…and won the state title in his division.

Newport Beach Country Club
yes, you read that right. we had an infant and his golf game was peaking.
but it was made very clear to me when we first started dating that golf was, under no circumstances, to be taken lightly.
when i was in my late teens and early 20s, i was obsessed with beach volleyball. i played everyday with whomever would let me play. i followed the AVP. i was tan…oh so tan.
then for some odd reason, it occurred to me that perhaps there was more to life than beach volleyball.
i know.
so i took golf lessons. not sure why. i didn’t know anyone else who played. my parents didn’t play. i just thought i’d check it out. looking back, i’m pretty sure it was a God thing.
10 years later, when my hubby and i were first dating, he took me to play a round of golf.
apparently it was a compatibility test. i was so bad, but apparently showed potential.
his exact words were “i’m so encouraged. we’re going to have a great life together.”
we still joke about his inner voice spilling the beans of his undying love for me.
wuv….twue wuv….
the good news is that i’m so bad, and my handicap is so high that we’ve been known to win a few tournaments. yup, type A personality + competition = my A game.
just call me sandbagger. don’t be shy.
when the kids are a bit older, we’ll all golf together. for now, we follow daddy around at tourneys.
today was a glorious day in newport beach. the kids had a blast caddying..when they weren’t poking each other.

brother, please stop grabbing me. please stop!