the door restoration is DONE!
here’s the tutorial post of the first half of this restoration.
this is where i started….a stack of FREE doors found on craigslist!
here i was sitting on my laptop after the kids were tucked in….la la la….cruising free stuff on craigslist….when i saw a post for 12 FREE vintage doors 20 miles away.
what will i do? the kids are in bed. husband is traveling.
so i text my friend whose parents live very close to the curb alert.
and she just happens to be in the vicinity…with her truck. no matter that she’s 5 months preggers. her hubby is with her…and he’s strong. so super, duper, LA Kings strong! 🙂
so the next day, these 5 vintage doors appeared in my garage. <queue the sound effects of clouds parting and angels descending to earth…>
and i get to work with my Annie Sloan. then i finish the whole thing off with Benjamin Moore chalk paint in the center panel. it’s the first time i’d used the product, but it was given to me by my good buddy who paints for super high end clients. he’s painted two ginormous walls in a home in Montecito for his clients’ kids and said the Benjamin Moore product was great.
and well, i really do love BM paints. it’s all i use in our home. esp the Natura product which has no odor and presumably is healthier for the kiddos.

this is the perfect verse for this door, which also happens to be my friend’s life verse. so good. texting and typing have ruined my handwriting! sad.

until the door is delivered, it sits amongst the other vintage doors in the garage…so lonely