light, fluffy, and healthy
wow, Peilin Breller and Emily Ivey sure know how to make food look GOOD! check out this frittata.
i mean, it is delicious.
but just look at that photo! don’t lick the monitor…it’s very unbecoming.
ok, here we go:
- heat oven to 375
- i used a cute 5×8 dish for this one
- dice 1/2 sweet yellow onion
- dice 1/2 bunch of green onions
- slice 1/2 green squash in thin slices
- 1 cup spinach, chopped
- chop a handful of cilantro
- salt & pepper to taste
- 8-9 egg whites, or a quart of egg whites (i like this brand: allwhites)
- handful of grated cheddar cheese or goat cheese if you’re feeling fancy
- sautee the onions, squash and spinach in a bit of olive oil until soft
- dump veggies into the baking dish
- pour egg whites over the veggies
- mix in cilantro and cheese
- toss in some salt & pepper for good measure
- bake for 20 minutes until eggs are firm
no one likes salmonella. i should know. i had it…once. well, actually, not once, but for 10 days of onces.
yup, i baked cupcakes for some friends.
didn’t just sort of lick the spoon. sort of stuck my entire head in the bowl and cleaned the whole thing like my dishwasher was busted.
10 days of misery. yes, 10 days. prob should have gone to the hospital, but i figured just one more day and i’d be better.
great way to lose weight if you’re masochistic.

thanks for sharing this delicious looking dish on Foodie Friends Friday!
Thanks for having a place for us to share!!
Hi, I’m Lyuba from http://www.willcookforsmiles.com/.
started a new series where I post my favorite recipes and projects from
blogland every week. I really love your Egg White and Veggie Frittata
and I would love to share it. Do I have your permission to use
your photo as a feature ( linked to your post and blog)? Please email me back and let me know! Thanks!
Yes, of course! I tried emailing you through your blog, but the email bounced? Please be sure to give photo credit to Fresh Ivey Photography and link to this post.
I’ve also linked to your Blog Hop. Fun! I’ve written a post about the blog networking and linked back to your Valentine’s Day Breakfast for Two recipe. http://www.willcookforsmiles.com/2013/01/tomato-feta-quiche-hearts-valentines.html Do you mind?