remember seeing these? i’m surprised to still see them!

pretending to still be a student…

Furness Fine Arts Library has stunning architecture and windows

Follow these stairs up to small study rooms.

this is where i studied in undergrad. fond memories here.

i’d find a cubby up this spiral staircase.

never noticed these detailed windows as an undergrad. 🙂 too busy cramming!

Yes, they should!

i was always taken aback by the beauty of this building. what a blessing to be able to study here!

Leges sine moribus vanae :: Laws without morals are useless.

Wharton Dean Thomas Robertson addresses the Wharton Club Leaders

Philly has some amazing foods…especially the catering within Huntsman Hall!

i may have eaten a few of these…before lunch began!

Our founder, Ben.

the famous Button! here i am with my bestie, Dr. Bita Bagheri.

College Hall is looking very nice after its facelift.

see those cobblestones? i used to (try) to rollerblade on those. just a few face plants!

this reminded me of an owl.

public safety was a big deal when we were on campus. west philly wasn’t too safe back in the day!

gorgeous Locust Walk. many fond memories here slinging scrunchies. 🙂