lay out the 1/8 yard fabric on cutting board
i have two boys. but a friend once brought me a headband from a mall kiosk. she was excited that she only paid $25 for this headband. after all, we do live in the OC.
i was mortified. i could make it for $.25
so here you have it. the details of how to make an easy-to-sew headband. i make these for my friends’ kids and they work well to keep hair out of your face.
notice that most of the fabrics i use aren’t girly. my main headband donner is a tomboy who plays tons of sports. she loves these. i love her.

then lay your pattern on the fabric and cut. i usually cut several layers at once.

lay fabric right sides together

cut 6″ elastic strips

i buy elastic by the spool. much cheaper.

get your production line going! i love my new rowenta iron, btw.
Place the elastic between the fabric. Fabric should be right sides together. Be sure to leave a little piece of the elastic hanging over the fabric edge so that it’s sure to get sewn into the fabric.
Run your machine along the three edges of your headband, going back and forth over the elastic a few times to ensure it stays put!

then look at your hands and realize you look like a granny. apply l’occitane shea butter lotion.

this is what the headband will look like at the side where the elastic is attached

this is what the end without the elastic band looks like

then turn your headbands right side out

now that the headband is turned right side out, you’ll need to poke the fabric out at the edges.
Using this ancient Chinese secret method, poke a chopstick into the corners of your headband to get the fabric into nice square corners.
I love Ancient Chinese secrets…I especially love chopsticks. I use them for everything!
Press down all the edges.
Turn the fabric in on the open edge. This is where you’re going to tuck the elastic piece in.
Tuck the elastic in (geez, my hands still look dry!)…
Sew around all the edges in a matching color.
Trim all lose threads. You can see that I rushed on this one as the sewing is crooked! C- / D+ effort.
I usually do these in a production line. Cut fabric, cut elastic, position elastic, sew, turn inside out, Ancient Chinese secret chopstick trick, iron, connect elastic, sew around edges. Without a lot of distractions, I can get through about 10-15 an hour. But you know this is a pipe dream if you’ve got kids…so plan for 5-10 so that you’re not disappointed!
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I’m not one to leave comments, especially if I have to log in somewhere. You crack me up too much to not thank you for your wit and sharing the details to this simple project. I’m encouraged that, as a novice, I can pull it off. Thanks!
hi Meric, thanks for stumbling on my post. i suppose if i were really smart, i’d have added the pattern for the headband, but clearly, my synapses weren’t firing when i wrote this.
i’ll add it soon. hope you find the other posts entertaining as well! have a great weekend!