stuff i’ve made

weathered wood bars

things have gotten really busy in my garage as my buddy and i’ve been building and painting up a storm. ok, fine. he’s been building. and i’ve been painting…and painting…and painting…. what you’re looking at here are a few rolling bars. perfect for any type of party. but as y’all know, while i love wood. i […]

french door redo

it’s 9:30pm on a saturday night and i can’t sleep.  jim rome is on in the background…husband is sleeping, tightly gripping the tivo remote despite having been asleep for at least 20 minutes. i’m cruising free stuff on craigslist when i spot this old beat up French glass door hiding in the back of this […]

Coronado beach house tour

i recently helped a friend decorate her new beach house. it’s the perfect Coronado vacation rental, don’t you think? it’s a cute 3 bedroom waterfront condo in the heart of coronado that breathes so well.  open the windows and the breeze just whips through the entire home. this was a fun project despite the blood, sweat […]

A shabby chic take on an inherited hutch :: Annie Sloan style

my client inherited this from a good friend.  it’s a gorgeous piece and again, i sort of felt weird painting it. but i was assured that no one would know since they’re no longer with us.  is that weird? so i worked under the don’t ask, don’t tell guidelines…though i wouldn’t know who to tell. […]

garden love

spring has sprung. hyacinths are popping already!

the first signs on spring are here...trouble is, we haven't really had winter.  and as i write this, the temperature is dropping to the high 30s here … [more...]

teeny, tiny peaches!

i love spring. the flowers are blooming, and you find cool stuff in the garden you've never seen before! like this one here...i've no clue what … [more...]

growing potatoes and yams in coffee sacks

i met a wonderfully delightful woman a few months ago at a baby shower.  i started telling Cheri how i was obsessed with watching YouTube videos on … [more...]

fall is HERE! i found a pumpkin in my garden.

that's right folks....i didn't think it would happen. i planted pumpkin seeds in june....and we had amazingly gorgeous huge leaves.  they grew all … [more...]

harvesting potatoes grown in coffee sacks

howdy!  several months ago, i stalked a bunch of gardening blogs to learn how to grow potatoes. while spring isn't the ideal time to grow … [more...]

so cal garden explosion

we've got rogue tomato plants all over the garden.  take exhibit A.  i didn't plant this one and look how amazing it is! i'm sort of insulted, … [more...]

Transplanting potted plants to Kratky hydroponics

My new greenhouse is in full operation and I couldn't be more excited! I've been stalking MHP Gardener on YouTube, and he has this incredible … [more...]
