stuff i’ve made

Secretary desks :: not just for secretaries

Painted secretary desk in Annie sloan Louis Blue and a custom wash. Details on

chalk paint French side table

here’s another cool little project for our new master bathroom.  i picked up this piece on craigslist….i sometimes have a hard time saying no.  i figured there was something that could be done with this.  it was solid and sturdy.  and it had a decent greenish-blue that would work in our new bathroom… let’s give […]

when a zero becomes a hero :: ugly coffee table gets a life

our designer Erica Bryen, is incredible.  she’s young, vibrant, hip, smart as a whip, and totally gets us.  she works with clients all over southern california, has impeccable taste, and is no BS.  she gets it done.  she gets it. i’ve come to realize that it’s good to know what you don’t know…when you’re in […]

vintage painted dresser for a friend

a neighbor was tossing this vintage dresser that had been in her daughter’s room for 20 years. it had taken a beating. i wish i had a before picture, but alas, i don’t.  suffice it to say there was a lot of scotch tape, stickers, and fingerprints on this lovely. a friend is moving back […]

garden love

spring has sprung. hyacinths are popping already!

the first signs on spring are here...trouble is, we haven't really had winter.  and as i write this, the temperature is dropping to the high 30s here … [more...]

growing potatoes and yams in coffee sacks

i met a wonderfully delightful woman a few months ago at a baby shower.  i started telling Cheri how i was obsessed with watching YouTube videos on … [more...]

teeny, tiny peaches!

i love spring. the flowers are blooming, and you find cool stuff in the garden you've never seen before! like this one here...i've no clue what … [more...]

fresh garden salsa

there's something really magical about fresh, homemade, garden salsa. the colors are vibrant.  the flavors are unmatched. and when paired … [more...]


look what we saw in the garden today!?!? it only took 9 months.  :) anyone have the recipe for the Bandera/Houston's artichoke? … [more...]

harvesting potatoes grown in coffee sacks

howdy!  several months ago, i stalked a bunch of gardening blogs to learn how to grow potatoes. while spring isn't the ideal time to grow … [more...]

summer flowers :: hydrangea, roses and lavender

i LOVE my garden, and particularly love the flower arrangements that come directly from the garden.   the hydrangea is quite … [more...]
