the party went off without a hitch. we’re blessed with amazing friends who lend their time and help! in between setting up, politely bossing my friends around, and trying to be a gracious hostess, i tried to snap a few pix….
the weather cooperated….it rains one day a year in california. and thankfully, the first drop didn’t start until 10:45 pm, when we began to tear the party down…
i just love gerbers….and the mason jars were a big hit. to see how i made them, look here…
the bar offered freshly made margaritas….freshly squeezed lime juice + simple syrup + tequila + grand marnier…all served in mason jars! and of course, mexican beers, and carbonated juices.
our 6’7″ friend Gary hung these candles from the arbors, saving us at least 2 hours of climbing up and down the ladder. let’s just say that my husband and i are both vertically challenged.
the pinto beans tied in nicely with the mexican fiesta theme.
the mason jars protected the candles from blowing out when the wind picked up a bit.
i even reused some baby food jars to add visual appeal with differing jar heights…the water turned pink from those bright pink flowers. i’m guessing those flower weren’t organic.
the nightscape was a completely different vibe…super romantic lighting from all the candles. a very cozy feel.
the fire pit was cranking….but the jiffy pop burnt to a crisp. you win some…you burn some…
the twine pulled from the burlap coffee sacks added a nice dimension to the candle jars….one caught on fire during lighting though, so be careful!
a bit blurry, but i wanted to share the little bunny frou frou. just a subtle Easter touch. 🙂
the food was incredible and unfortunately, i didn’t get any pix because people it too quickly!
- Traditional Mexican taco stand serving carnitas, chicken and beef tacos, rice and beans. I’m a taco snob…this taco caterer based out of Riverside, CA is INCREDIBLE: Tacos San Jose. 951-905-4011
- Our friend Heidi Ristau didn’t disappoint with her appetizers and desserts! Everyone wanted more more more!
- Creamy chicken nachos
- Shrimp and avocado ceviche in corn chip cups
- Mini quesadillas – brie and boursin w/ mango salsa
- Potato tacos for the vegetarians
- Veracruz Red snapper tacos with bay leaves, onions, red peppers
- Key lime mini bars :: unbelievable!!!
- Mexican chocolate brownies
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Tatertots and Jello