St. Patrick’s Day :: lucky lucky lucky!

My last post was about quatrefoils…the shamrock shape. I knew I wasn’t feeling great, and hadn’t gone in the garage all day to work on any projects, so I was blogging about lil G instead.

At 3:30, I got concerned b/c I hadn’t felt the baby move too much. I figured there just isn’t enough room left! Husband and I headed to the hospital.

Little did I know that I was 4 cm and they admitted me…lucky me, b/c due to the gnarly full moon going on, the hospital beds were FULL in labor and delivery…so I got in just….in…..time.

With 5 c-sections planned that night alone, the nurse was being very cautious and said she’d get the epidural started right away before administering pitocin. She knew that I had very fast deliveries and didn’t want me to get too far along before needing the meds.

Lucky me!

9pm epidural. Heaven!

9:15 pitocin. Who knew?

12:43 am. Baby Ashton is born!

So this labor was totally different…I had no pain. Amen!

He’s such a nugget and at 6 lb. 5 oz, weighed in much heavier than lil G, who was 4 lb. 11 oz.

Needless to say, I’ve been a basket case ever since. Tired, grumpy, hormonal, achy. 🙂 All par for the course and I continue to remind myself how far we came to get here.

So I try to count my blessings and remind myself that life is good…and very lucky!


hi!  i’m Big A!
About meesh

Meesh has a passion for people, creative projects, and technology. She enjoys painting furniture back to life, gardening, playing with her kids, and connecting people.


  1. >Wish you could share the secret of the fast labor stories … worked way too hard for this baby over here! Ashton is so precious – I can't wait to meet him!!

  2. >Congratulations sweet neighbor…we'll come a knockin over the weekend. 🙂 The Brunings!