i still get a lot of questions about the sea fan windows i made a few years ago. i found some vintage wood windows on craigslist from a guy who had replaced all his windows. i hot glued some super large sea fans that i purchased online to recreate the ones i’d been seeing in […]
simple, white, beachy mantle
September 16 by meesh
Filed Under: decorating Tagged With: beach, coral, decorating, sea fans, vintage windows
Surf breaks window/subway art
April 8 by meesh

My husband grew up surfing in southern California with his twin brother and younger brother. They’ve since toured the world catching the most epic waves God has to offer. In preparation for husband’s man cave in our new home, I wanted to make him something exceptionally special. I think I hit jackpot!! He […]
Filed Under: creative juices, decorating, diy, stuff i've made Tagged With: subway art, surf breaks, surf spots, surfing, upcycle, vintage windows, vinyl lettering