stuff i’ve made

tutorial :: vintage door restoration with chalk board panel

this is one of the doors from the craigslist vintage door score. after a close inspection, i noticed mold on these doors.  so, these are being refinished to be used in outdoor areas. this one’s a single panel door which will eventually have a black chalk board in the panel.  first, i washed the door […]

antique dresser gets a Swedish facelift

i picked up this antique dresser on Craigslist. it had been with the family for a few generations, but it was time for it to get a new home. it was a perfect shape with great bones for a new sink pedestal in the kids’ bathroom. the top had a ton of wear and tear, […]

garage sale Pottery Barn chess table turned antique

look at this very cool chess table.  i found it on eBay.  swoon….i imagine some really old dudes in a Provence lavender field  playing on this board while sipping on bourbon. now, look at this little ditty i picked up at a garage sale for $5. an innocent-looking Pottery Barn chess table circa 2000.  underneath is […]

Rustic mid-century inspired dining table

How to paint new wood to look like weathered, rustic wood.

garden love

fall is HERE! i found a pumpkin in my garden.

that's right folks....i didn't think it would happen. i planted pumpkin seeds in june....and we had amazingly gorgeous huge leaves.  they grew all … [more...]

spring garden party

the party went off without a hitch.  we're blessed with amazing friends who lend their time and help!  in between setting up, politely bossing my … [more...]

A beginner’s guide to hydroponics

Ok, who's ready to go on this hydroponic adventure with me? I've been working ridiculous hours the past couple of years and have completely neglected … [more...]

How to grow hydrangeas from cuttings

It was a gorgeous day today. The sun was flooding into our kitchen nook. Don't you just love days with no schedules? It seems like … [more...]

attack of the bunnies!

When we landscaped our yard, I specifically researched how to keep the rabbits out.  We specifically built raised veggie beds so that the bunnies … [more...]

so cal garden explosion

we've got rogue tomato plants all over the garden.  take exhibit A.  i didn't plant this one and look how amazing it is! i'm sort of insulted, … [more...]

how’d that tomato plant get there?

i love seeing the world.  but i also love returning and seeing what's happened in my garden after a week away. the trumpet vines on our garden … [more...]
