stuff i’ve made

paint technique to make Ikea Hemnes mirror look like Restoration Hardware finish

  i picked up this Ikea Hemnes mirror for a property in Mammoth Lakes.  i wanted a rustic look to match the gorgeous and majestic Sherwin Mountain Range that is viewable from the house.  i started with a light dry-brushing of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint’s Paris Grey.  after brushing in the direction of the grain, […]

how i hacked an Ikea Tarva dresser :: tutorial

i’ll always have fond memories of Ikea.  i used to bring my kids there when they had trouble sleeping…. it always went something like this: “they’ll fall asleep in the stroller while i shop.” yup, i’m THAT mom with stuff stacked in the stroller, balanced on the kids’ heads, crammed into the small storage bin […]

big reveal :: vintage door refinished with Annie Sloan chalk paint

the door restoration is DONE! here’s the tutorial post of the first half of this restoration. this is where i started….a stack of FREE doors found on craigslist! here i was sitting on my laptop after the kids were tucked in….la la la….cruising free stuff on craigslist….when i saw a post for 12 FREE vintage […]

vintage painted dresser for a friend

a neighbor was tossing this vintage dresser that had been in her daughter’s room for 20 years. it had taken a beating. i wish i had a before picture, but alas, i don’t.  suffice it to say there was a lot of scotch tape, stickers, and fingerprints on this lovely. a friend is moving back […]

garden love

summer’s here. the flowers prove it!

We've still got another month or so of what we southern Californians call June gloom.  That's right...don't come here expecting hot blazing days. … [more...]

A beginner’s guide to hydroponics

Ok, who's ready to go on this hydroponic adventure with me? I've been working ridiculous hours the past couple of years and have completely neglected … [more...]

look who’s here? spring garden!


fresh garden salsa

there's something really magical about fresh, homemade, garden salsa. the colors are vibrant.  the flavors are unmatched. and when paired … [more...]

Transplanting potted plants to Kratky hydroponics

My new greenhouse is in full operation and I couldn't be more excited! I've been stalking MHP Gardener on YouTube, and he has this incredible … [more...]

fall is HERE! i found a pumpkin in my garden.

that's right folks....i didn't think it would happen. i planted pumpkin seeds in june....and we had amazingly gorgeous huge leaves.  they grew all … [more...]

a beautiful Japanese maple tree

isn't this gorgeous?  i was visiting a friend back east and spotted this stunning and massive tree. they used to have two trees, but one drowned by … [more...]
