saw this Valentine’s Day wreath on Pinterest and made it with my own little twist. grabbed some old school clothes pins, sprayed them white, and pinned them to the clothes hanger with some burlap. get ready! just got my Datevitation in the mail for my love. so excited to share these exciting dates throughout the […]
Valentine’s Day wreath
January 25 by meesh
Filed Under: creative juices, diy Tagged With: burlap, clothes pins, diy, valentine's day, wreath
mason jar candle lantern prep
March 14 by meesh

my good friend Lucy helped me pick up 4 cases of small Kerr mason jars, and 4 cases of large jars at Smart and Final. she then peeled apart one of the wide-weave burlap coffee sacks i had in the garage and took apart the threads. we used the longer twines. the leftover shorter twine […]
Filed Under: decorating, diy Tagged With: burlap, burlap twine, candle votives, candles, diy, mason jars
Antique chair with redone coffee sack burlap seat
November 22 by meesh
our good friends gave us this antique chair. what a treat to get a gift like this! looks like it had been in their family for a long time…and perhaps in the garage for a while, too. the leather seat was torn and not salvageable. so sad. batting and burlap wrapped around the seat I […]
Filed Under: decorating, diy, stuff i've made Tagged With: antique chair, burlap, coffee sack, diy