stuff i’ve made

how i hacked an Ikea Tarva dresser :: tutorial

i’ll always have fond memories of Ikea.  i used to bring my kids there when they had trouble sleeping…. it always went something like this: “they’ll fall asleep in the stroller while i shop.” yup, i’m THAT mom with stuff stacked in the stroller, balanced on the kids’ heads, crammed into the small storage bin […]

Norm! how to paint Cheers-y bar stools

if you don’t get this post’s title, you’re too young.  i’ve just started and already i’ve digressed. anyway, you’ve seen these bar stools, right? these maple-ish wood bar stools were hip 10 years ago, but you’ve still got them laying around.  they’re sturdy and make for a perfect soccer goal backstop. with a little elbow […]

How to paint wood to look like weathered Restoration Hardware wood

hi friends! i’m back with another furniture painting tutorial on how to use chalk paint to get a weathered wood Restoration Hardware finish. here’s my inspiration. a wonderful wood pier that we visited on our summer road trip. the irony is that the piece i was painting, was in fact, a real Restoration Hardware dresser….from the early […]

painting oak to look like Restoration Hardware :: mud room diy

let me start by saying that i’ve absolutely saved no money by doing this project myself! if i account for the time spent, mistakes made, injuries sustained, and my hourly billing rate, i’d be better off having purchased the Restoration Hardware version. BUT, this has been a great project and i feel that my painting […]

garden love

Orchids 101

I've always loved orchids, but was always intimidated by them. Last year, a neighbor gave me the most gorgeous Phalaenopsis orchid (the most … [more...]

how’d that tomato plant get there?

i love seeing the world.  but i also love returning and seeing what's happened in my garden after a week away. the trumpet vines on our garden … [more...]

spring has sprung. hyacinths are popping already!

the first signs on spring are here...trouble is, we haven't really had winter.  and as i write this, the temperature is dropping to the high 30s here … [more...]

summer’s here. the flowers prove it!

We've still got another month or so of what we southern Californians call June gloom.  That's right...don't come here expecting hot blazing days. … [more...]

fresh garden salsa

there's something really magical about fresh, homemade, garden salsa. the colors are vibrant.  the flavors are unmatched. and when paired … [more...]

spring garden party

the party went off without a hitch.  we're blessed with amazing friends who lend their time and help!  in between setting up, politely bossing my … [more...]

Transplanting potted plants to Kratky hydroponics

My new greenhouse is in full operation and I couldn't be more excited! I've been stalking MHP Gardener on YouTube, and he has this incredible … [more...]
