stuff i’ve made

queen anne dresser :: grand finale

don’t you love when life knocks you for a few loops?  i got the flu shot, and low and behold, got a 4 day mini flu.  at least it wasn’t the whole shebang, but 4 days of fever es no bueno, as we like to say in so cal. so, i took a few weeks […]

Rustic mid-century inspired dining table

How to paint new wood to look like weathered, rustic wood.

How to paint wood to look like weathered Restoration Hardware wood

hi friends! i’m back with another furniture painting tutorial on how to use chalk paint to get a weathered wood Restoration Hardware finish. here’s my inspiration. a wonderful wood pier that we visited on our summer road trip. the irony is that the piece i was painting, was in fact, a real Restoration Hardware dresser….from the early […]

tutorial :: vintage door restoration with chalk board panel

this is one of the doors from the craigslist vintage door score. after a close inspection, i noticed mold on these doors.  so, these are being refinished to be used in outdoor areas. this one’s a single panel door which will eventually have a black chalk board in the panel.  first, i washed the door […]

garden love

Orchids 101

I've always loved orchids, but was always intimidated by them. Last year, a neighbor gave me the most gorgeous Phalaenopsis orchid (the most … [more...]

teeny, tiny peaches!

i love spring. the flowers are blooming, and you find cool stuff in the garden you've never seen before! like this one here...i've no clue what … [more...]


look what we saw in the garden today!?!? it only took 9 months.  :) anyone have the recipe for the Bandera/Houston's artichoke? … [more...]

Transplanting potted plants to Kratky hydroponics

My new greenhouse is in full operation and I couldn't be more excited! I've been stalking MHP Gardener on YouTube, and he has this incredible … [more...]

spring has sprung. hyacinths are popping already!

the first signs on spring are here...trouble is, we haven't really had winter.  and as i write this, the temperature is dropping to the high 30s here … [more...]

How to grow hydrangeas from cuttings

It was a gorgeous day today. The sun was flooding into our kitchen nook. Don't you just love days with no schedules? It seems like … [more...]

harvesting potatoes grown in coffee sacks

howdy!  several months ago, i stalked a bunch of gardening blogs to learn how to grow potatoes. while spring isn't the ideal time to grow … [more...]
