stuff i’ve made

How to paint wood to look like weathered Restoration Hardware wood

hi friends! i’m back with another furniture painting tutorial on how to use chalk paint to get a weathered wood Restoration Hardware finish. here’s my inspiration. a wonderful wood pier that we visited on our summer road trip. the irony is that the piece i was painting, was in fact, a real Restoration Hardware dresser….from the early […]

Regency coffee table gets a chalk paint makeover

we’re in the midst of remodeling a bit of our new house.  nothing major…carpet, paint, new tile in the bathrooms. along with the new comes a lot of furniture painting. most of my pals know that i bought a Ford F-150 b/c i pick up so much random furniture to paint.  so when i noticed […]

queen anne dresser refinishing :: part 1

my husband and i took care of our uncle george for the past 18 months.  he was a kind man with a generous nature.  he had nothing, but gave everything he found to those in need. he treasured this queen anne dresser, which belonged to his parents. i decided it should stay in the family. […]

french door redo

it’s 9:30pm on a saturday night and i can’t sleep.  jim rome is on in the background…husband is sleeping, tightly gripping the tivo remote despite having been asleep for at least 20 minutes. i’m cruising free stuff on craigslist when i spot this old beat up French glass door hiding in the back of this […]

garden love

spring garden party

the party went off without a hitch.  we're blessed with amazing friends who lend their time and help!  in between setting up, politely bossing my … [more...]

a beautiful Japanese maple tree

isn't this gorgeous?  i was visiting a friend back east and spotted this stunning and massive tree. they used to have two trees, but one drowned by … [more...]

attack of the bunnies!

When we landscaped our yard, I specifically researched how to keep the rabbits out.  We specifically built raised veggie beds so that the bunnies … [more...]

look who’s here? spring garden!


summer’s here. the flowers prove it!

We've still got another month or so of what we southern Californians call June gloom.  That's right...don't come here expecting hot blazing days. … [more...]

spring flowers

remember that day last fall when i rode my bike around cutting hydrangea clippings from my neighbors? you don't remember? it's ok, … [more...]

Transplanting potted plants to Kratky hydroponics

My new greenhouse is in full operation and I couldn't be more excited! I've been stalking MHP Gardener on YouTube, and he has this incredible … [more...]
