stuff i’ve made

shabby chic mirrored door :: diy

this antique mirrored door has some history.  she weighs about 40 pounds and is so super cool, so i’ve named her bessie. bessie was a late night craigslist curb alert find in garden grove.  i’m sure she had a very interesting story before i stumbled upon her, but she’s also had great adventures since she’s […]

Restoration Hardware finish on a keg

i blog for fun..and mostly about painting furniture.  so when one of my 3 readers asks for technique tips, i’m humbled and sort of freaked out.  i’m by no means an expert.  i just sneak moments after the kids are asleep to paint stuff i find on the side of the road. with kids, i’ve […]

dyeing fabric with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

our shabby chic room is such a happy room.  the colors are pretty, cheerful, and frankly, this is the only feminine room in the entire house. with 3 boys in the house, i specifically designed most things to be durable enough to withstand Hot Wheels, baseballs, and general dude stuff. but this room is all […]

Using wood glue to get a chippy paint look

i’m back. good grief…i’ve neglected my blog. boooooo….. but…. my boys are all on a camping trip and man have i taken the opportunity to do a bunch of projects around the house. i decorated our living room for halloween. stay tuned for that post as i’ll detail how i painted the mantle to look weathered. […]

garden love

spring has sprung. hyacinths are popping already!

the first signs on spring are here...trouble is, we haven't really had winter.  and as i write this, the temperature is dropping to the high 30s here … [more...]

growing potatoes and yams in coffee sacks

i met a wonderfully delightful woman a few months ago at a baby shower.  i started telling Cheri how i was obsessed with watching YouTube videos on … [more...]

teeny, tiny peaches!

i love spring. the flowers are blooming, and you find cool stuff in the garden you've never seen before! like this one here...i've no clue what … [more...]

Rooting Brussels Sprouts

I love Brussels sprouts. Please move on if you don't...b/c this post is all about them and some uber-nerd techniques that I'm testing in the … [more...]

Hello, ladybugs!

I released 1500 ladybugs into the garden this morning. I have no idea how many have survived, but while they were alive, I snapped a few pix. They're … [more...]

so cal garden explosion

we've got rogue tomato plants all over the garden.  take exhibit A.  i didn't plant this one and look how amazing it is! i'm sort of insulted, … [more...]

fall is HERE! i found a pumpkin in my garden.

that's right folks....i didn't think it would happen. i planted pumpkin seeds in june....and we had amazingly gorgeous huge leaves.  they grew all … [more...]
