stuff i’ve made

queen anne dresser :: part 2

The Queen Anne dresser is coming along quite nicely. This is where I started:   These are the steps I’ve taken thus far: Pulled out all drawers and sanded the body of the dresser with a 220 grit paper.  Definitely wore a mask and had the garage door open as the dust was everywhere!  Wiped […]

stain a bar to look rustic & weathered

my buddy built this bar for a client. they requested redwood with a clear coat of varnish. then they decided it was too red and didn’t match the rustic look they really wanted. so i got to work. on a dreadfully cold and rainy day, i bussed in the Minwax Dark Walnut and some watery […]

Salt Wash tutorial :: mirror mirror on the wall

I love how Salt Wash makes a piece really look old and chippy. The textured layers allow more paint to poke through. Here’s my tutorial for Salt Wash. Enjoy!

Coronado beach house tour

i recently helped a friend decorate her new beach house. it’s the perfect Coronado vacation rental, don’t you think? it’s a cute 3 bedroom waterfront condo in the heart of coronado that breathes so well.  open the windows and the breeze just whips through the entire home. this was a fun project despite the blood, sweat […]

garden love

summer hydrangea tablescape

i love hydrangeas. i had the luxury of spending a few hours in the garden today and cut a bunch of hydrangea as they're starting to look a … [more...]

How to grow hydrangeas from cuttings

It was a gorgeous day today. The sun was flooding into our kitchen nook. Don't you just love days with no schedules? It seems like … [more...]


look what we saw in the garden today!?!? it only took 9 months.  :) anyone have the recipe for the Bandera/Houston's artichoke? … [more...]

a gorgeous, romantic, Napa wedding

we just returned from the most gorgeous and romantic wedding....ever. the setting was idyllic with the changing leaves and warm breezes. i wanted … [more...]

attack of the bunnies!

When we landscaped our yard, I specifically researched how to keep the rabbits out.  We specifically built raised veggie beds so that the bunnies … [more...]

harvesting potatoes grown in coffee sacks

howdy!  several months ago, i stalked a bunch of gardening blogs to learn how to grow potatoes. while spring isn't the ideal time to grow … [more...]

summer’s here. the flowers prove it!

We've still got another month or so of what we southern Californians call June gloom.  That's right...don't come here expecting hot blazing days. … [more...]
