stuff i’ve made

precious twin headboard for a pink-lovin’ girl

these aren’t the most glamorous pix you’ve ever seen, but sometimes when this mamma paints at 11:30 pm, the lighting ain’t great… my friend found this headboard on the side of the road.  yes, these are the treasures we find in Orange County.  nuts. at our painting party earlier this week, it was decided we’d […]

Using wood glue to get a chippy paint look

i’m back. good grief…i’ve neglected my blog. boooooo….. but…. my boys are all on a camping trip and man have i taken the opportunity to do a bunch of projects around the house. i decorated our living room for halloween. stay tuned for that post as i’ll detail how i painted the mantle to look weathered. […]

how i hacked an Ikea Tarva dresser :: tutorial

i’ll always have fond memories of Ikea.  i used to bring my kids there when they had trouble sleeping…. it always went something like this: “they’ll fall asleep in the stroller while i shop.” yup, i’m THAT mom with stuff stacked in the stroller, balanced on the kids’ heads, crammed into the small storage bin […]

Restoration Hardware-inspired big boy room reveal

as i listen to Big A trying to ‘soothe’ himself to sleep in his new big boy room, i feel guilty. poor little guy. sometimes he goes down quickly, and sometimes, he’s over-tied, i think…and he fights it. so i’m distracting myself with this post as i obsessively check the monitor… we got him into […]

garden love

attack of the bunnies!

When we landscaped our yard, I specifically researched how to keep the rabbits out.  We specifically built raised veggie beds so that the bunnies … [more...]

spring has sprung. hyacinths are popping already!

the first signs on spring are here...trouble is, we haven't really had winter.  and as i write this, the temperature is dropping to the high 30s here … [more...]


look what we saw in the garden today!?!? it only took 9 months.  :) anyone have the recipe for the Bandera/Houston's artichoke? … [more...]

teeny, tiny peaches!

i love spring. the flowers are blooming, and you find cool stuff in the garden you've never seen before! like this one here...i've no clue what … [more...]

Hello, ladybugs!

I released 1500 ladybugs into the garden this morning. I have no idea how many have survived, but while they were alive, I snapped a few pix. They're … [more...]

how’d that tomato plant get there?

i love seeing the world.  but i also love returning and seeing what's happened in my garden after a week away. the trumpet vines on our garden … [more...]

A beginner’s guide to hydroponics

Ok, who's ready to go on this hydroponic adventure with me? I've been working ridiculous hours the past couple of years and have completely neglected … [more...]
