we just returned from the most gorgeous and romantic wedding….ever. the setting was idyllic with the changing leaves and warm breezes. i wanted to practice my photo skills, especially in low lighting. and there’s no better place to do that than in napa at the pristine Beaulieu Garden, which i believe is the private family […]
spring garden party
March 17 by meesh

the party went off without a hitch. we’re blessed with amazing friends who lend their time and help! in between setting up, politely bossing my friends around, and trying to be a gracious hostess, i tried to snap a few pix…. the weather cooperated….it rains one day a year in california. and thankfully, the first […]
Filed Under: decorating, diy, garden, stuff i've made Tagged With: candles, decorating, diy, flowers, garden, Heidi Ristau, mason jar candle lanterns, mason jars, party, spring, tacos
mason jar candle lantern prep
March 14 by meesh

my good friend Lucy helped me pick up 4 cases of small Kerr mason jars, and 4 cases of large jars at Smart and Final. she then peeled apart one of the wide-weave burlap coffee sacks i had in the garage and took apart the threads. we used the longer twines. the leftover shorter twine […]
Filed Under: decorating, diy Tagged With: burlap, burlap twine, candle votives, candles, diy, mason jars